Maintenance agreement, Axbridge 1734






(Somerset Record Office, D/P/ax.6/3/3)


Know all men by the sents that I James Brock of Axbridge in the County of Som'rsett Clockmaker am held and freely bound unto John Flower and Robert Marten Churchwardens of the parish and parish church of Axbridge aforesaid in the sume of Tenn pounds of good and lawfull mony of Greate Brittaine to be paid

dated 14th May 1734

Whereas the above anmed James Brock lately made & sett up a Clock and Chymes in the Tower of and belonging to the parish church of Axbridge aforesaid for which he was paid a considerable sume of money in consideracon whereof he promised engaged and agreed to repayre maintaine amend and keepe the said clock and Chymes in good repayre and order from time to time and at all times hereafter for and during the Terme of his naturall life at his owne proper costs and charges for the sume or consider’on of five shillings of lawfull momey of Greate Britaine to be paid to him yearly and every yeare for and during the terms of his naturall life on Easter Monday or inst month after that time by the Churchwardens of the parish of Axbridge aforesid for the time being.

Now the condicon of this obligacon is such that if the abovebounden James Brock do and shall from time to time and at all times hereafter fo & during the terme of his naturall kife att his owne proper costes and charges well and truly repayre mainetaine cleane and provide all manner of materials and things whatsoever for the repayreing maintaineing amending and keeping the same Clock and Chymes as either of them ropes only excepted without fraud or deceipt. Then this obligacon is to be void or else to be in full force and virtue.

Thos Richards
James Brock
Rich Court