(Hampshire County Records Office, Winchester: 81M72/PW2. f.47a.)
Articles of Agreem't made this 14th day of December Anno Dm. 1693 And in the 5th yeare of the reigne of our Soveraigne Lord & Lady King William & Queen Mary over England &c Between William Hawkins of Bramley in the County of South'ton Clockmaker and John Hawkins sonn of the sd William, of thi one p[ar]te And henry Jordan and John Hawkins [sic] Churchwardens of the p[ar]ish of Overton in the County of South'ton aforesd of the other p'te as followeth, vizt.
Whereas: the sd Wm Hawkins hath sett up a clock in ye p[ar]ish church of Overton aforesd for the sume of Eight pounds, fower pounds whereof is paid him att th ensealing hereof & the other fower pounds is to be pd unto him or his assignes on the 14th day of March next. Now it is hereby agreed by & betweene the sd p[ar]ties. And the sd Wm Hawkins & John Hawkins his sonn doe hereby convent & agree, that they will warrant the same to be a good & firme true going Clock. And that they or one of them for the Consideracon of five shillings p. ann. shall & will maintain and keep the same Clock in good ordr & repaire (except oyle & winding up in due order) so long as they the sd Wm & John Hawkins shall happen to live.
Item: it is further agreed, that in case thee hammer th't now is prove too light, that then the sd Wm Hawkins & his sonn shall & will upon 4 daies notice provide a new hammer to the Old Clock at their owne charges, & also Leaden weights in the roome of these that now are, in case the sd Churchwardens or their successors shall require the same:
In witnesse whereof the sd Wm Hawkins & John his sonne have herewith sett their hands & seales the day and yeare first above written.
Sealed & delivered in the p[re]sence
of Jo: Westwood Vicr de Overton Wm Hawkins {seal}
Tho: Mayhew . . . . John Hawkins {seal}
Richard Purdie