(Dorset Record Office, PE/ABB/CW1)
when we made bargane with Ralph Cloud about the clock in beere ...... 2s. 0d.
John Oliver one strick used about the clock house ...... 6d.
expenses several times with the clockman ...... 2s. 0d.
Ralph Cloud for exchanging the Old Clock for the newe Clock ...... £3 0s. 0d.
provisioning and beer of the said Ralph Cloud ...... 7s. 4d.
lock for the clock door ...... 10d.
for the Gemes for the Clock house ...... 6d.
Richd Porter for nails ... made the clock door ... ...... 2d.
Adams clock line and wach lines ...... 4s. 0d.
Jn Curtis making the clock house ... boards ... ...... £1 2s. 0d.
for iron work to the clock and chimes ...... 17s. 3d.
Jn Green casting leads for the clock ...... 6d.