Spending on the new church clock at Wantage, 1685-86

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Wantage had long had a church clock, and the ‘old clock’ that was replaced in 1685-86 may not have been the first in the parish church.

Another interesting feature is that the wardens paid for the use of another clock while the replacement was in progress. When they paid Thoomas Fewsell two shillings and sixpence for the use of his clock until the new parish clock was working they were clearly concerned to maintain the availability of clock-time and associated time-signals, and to avoid a period during which clock-time was unavailable.


Transcript (extracts)

  • Spent upon the clockmaker at his first coming when we bargained for the new clock ...... 0 02 06
  • Paid for making the articles of agreement with the Clockmen about the Clock, Chimes and Diall ...... 0 02 06
  • Spent on William Webb when he took down the old clock frame ...... 0 00 06
  • Expended when we bargained with the Butlers for making the Clockhouse & with Rich Sylvester about the 4 of clock bell ...... 0 00 08
  • (paid) Thomas Fewscell for the use of his Clock while the Church Clock was making ...... 0 02 06
  • Expended with the clockmakers and their men when the clock was making and setting up ...... 0 06 11
  • Mr Thomas Shurley for the Diall Board ...... 1 18 00
  • Mr Elkins for painting the Diall Board & vanes ...... 3 00 08
  • Paid the Clockmen for making the new Clock and quarter Clock and the Iron works about the hand, diall and the vane on the tower according to our Articles of Agreement ...... 16 00 00
  • paid the said Clockmen over and above the said 16li which was conditioned with them at the making of the said Articles provided they p[er]formed their worke well to the good liking and approbation of the Parish lest they should have a hard bargaine, as appears by an endorsement on the backside of the said Articles ...... 1 00 00
  • paid the sd Clockmen for 4 Streamers at the corners of the Tower ...... 0 10 00