Repairing the clock at Tintinhull, 1618-19






(Somerset Record Office, D/P/Tin.4/1/2)



to the court at Wells the 20 day of May to get Farther Day for the Clocke and the Third bell to be caste ...... iijs. 0.d
That the Clocke had not been set up by a day before given by the Courte ...... xviijd.
Item for my charges at Wells the 23 of October beinge enjoyned by the doctor at the visitacon to be ther that day to shew cause wherefore the Clock had not been set up by St Michaell day last w’ch was the day appointed by the court ...... xvjd.
Item for my charges at Wells the second of December to get farther day for setting up of the Clocke ...... ijs.
Itm to Jeffry Searell for repayringe of the clocke ...... lvjs. viijd.
It’ for makinge of a bond for the sufficient keepinge of the Clocke one whole yeeare after the settinge up of it ...... vjd.