Routine spending on clock: Woodbury, 1561-62


This account instances the routine ordinariness of docmmentation of spending on clocks, along with the brief reference to a maintenance contract with a clocksmith that is much more common than the lengthier examples reported here. On their own such accounts are unspecific about details of the work done, or the nature of the clock, components, mechanism, or form of signalling.



(Devon Records Office, Exeter: 4344A-99/PW1: pictured by Ponsford, 1985: 202, figure 10)

Charges dew upon the clokke

Itm paid to John Crowder for the amendement of the clock ...... xjs

Itm paid to Robert Smygth for two ropes for the clock ...... vijs ijd


Itm paid to Richard Oke for kepeng of the clock this yere ...... ijs

Md that hit is coven’ntid concluded and fully agreed betweene the p’ishe and the aforesaid John Crowder this yere that the same John shall and will receve during the lyeff of the said John att his only costes and charges repare and amend the same clocke for the yearle feeof ijs w’out meat or drinke as often as need requyrithe and the year began att East[er] last past
